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  1. extremeinferno

    navsure n400i

    lol yea but dont u tend to just glance at it and listen to it
  2. extremeinferno

    navsure n400i

    wot do you think of these...
  3. extremeinferno

    rear speakers not working

    ok thanks for your help mate
  4. extremeinferno

    rear speakers not working

    just checked there is no loom. thinking of getting sub soon. still not worth having rear speakers?
  5. extremeinferno

    rear speakers not working

    are they easy enough to wire up?
  6. extremeinferno

    rear speakers not working

    ahh yes it is a extreme, is it worth getting speakers? 6x9's maybe? many thanks again
  7. extremeinferno

    rear speakers not working

    hi there ive just installed some jl audio speakers in the front( ) and noticed that the rear speakers arnt working, not sure that they wer working before i installed speakers. i am using a standard head unit and on the settings it says...
  8. extremeinferno

    RS Grill fitted today, pics.

    looks good, not a fan of blue lights in first pic, how much did u pay for it if u dnot mind me askin. james
  9. extremeinferno

    will 17s fit

    yes i need some new tyres all round and my wheekls are quite curbed so may aswell buy a package
  10. extremeinferno

    will 17s fit

    mite go for the oz titans again
  11. extremeinferno

    will 17s fit

    wot would you recomend then? 16'?
  12. extremeinferno

    will 17s fit

    i have just lowered my car 60mm on pi spring i currently have some 16' oz titans, looking at buying some new wheels i dont realy want anything too 'boy racerish' just something looking smart if you no wot i mean preferably 17's will these fit ok now im lowered 60mm? and recomendations on a wheel...
  13. extremeinferno

    fitted 60mm spring now 'squeeking'

    there sat in ok, so il give grease ago, cheers
  14. extremeinferno

    fitted 60mm spring now 'squeeking'

    bloody ell a reply within 1minute! yes i assume they are as they were fitted buy a garage, not a diy job, can i tell if they are just by looking under the car? thanks for quick reply
  15. extremeinferno

    fitted 60mm spring now 'squeeking'

    i had my 60mm pi spring fitted tuesday that i got from someone on here second hand, every hour and again i get a 'squeekin' noise from the back wen i go over a small bump any idea wot this could be or is it normal wen lowering on standard shock? many thanks james
  16. extremeinferno

    I Love Orange!!!

    your all just jelious ent ya :rasp: lol
  17. extremeinferno

    finally gettin slamed 60mm tuesday cant wait!!!!

    i got them from sumone on here, dunno how your price is, i gettin mine fitted from a freind of a freind dunno if he dun it cheap or not.
  18. extremeinferno

    finally gettin slamed 60mm tuesday cant wait!!!!

    shud be good il post pics wen its done
  19. extremeinferno

    finally gettin slamed 60mm tuesday cant wait!!!!

    kool thet charging £80 is that about right?
  20. extremeinferno

    finally gettin slamed 60mm tuesday cant wait!!!!

    finaly got round to bookin car in for lowering bein done tues day, got some pi springs gopin on anyone got these fitted?? hope its not gunna be to harsh of a ride?
  21. extremeinferno

    need to get head unit, any recomendations??

    rite i need to get a new HU to upgrade the standard one i dont wont anything that stands out to much and one with orange lights to match the dash any recomendations?? thanks james
  22. extremeinferno

    lookin at upgrading front speakers

    o rite suppose il have to get a amp then, can this be hooked up to a standard head unit?
  23. extremeinferno

    lookin at upgrading front speakers

    i am looking to upgrade my front speakers as mine have blown. i would rather just do i straight swap as i still have standard cd player, any recomendations on wot to get?? ive been looking at these and will sound quality be much...
  24. extremeinferno

    how do i use paintshop pro???

    yes i have no idea wot i am doin, but would love to learn, think il giv elements ago, ill keep you posted! thanks james
  25. extremeinferno

    how do i use paintshop pro???

    ok mate, very funny:clap: fink il get photoshop then got rid of it, it was a freebee lol, where can i get photoshop and which one you recoment for a begginer. Thanks for you comments!
  26. extremeinferno

    how do i use paintshop pro???

    hi guys i realy like wot u lot can do on paintshop pro, how do i make the background in black and white and the car in colour i think it looks great. i have paint shop pro 9 many thanks james
  27. extremeinferno

    how do i use paintshop pro???

    hi guy i realy like wot u lot can do on paintshop pro, how do i make the background in black and white and the car in colour i think it looks great. i have paint shop pro 9 many thanks james
  28. extremeinferno

    Pics from swindon...s.west Vs w.mids

    hmmm shall i go or shall i stay, problem is i dont know anyone lol
  29. extremeinferno

    Pics from swindon...s.west Vs w.mids

    whens the next meet in swindon area?