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so on a drive to nottingham the fan stops working, a mate says it could be the resistor pack and renault want an eye watering £130 :( can't find one second hand anywhere. gutted
is the pedal on a ratchet system ala ford escort? cos its pissing me off as im unsure whether the clutch is wearing far too quickly or otherwise.
it clicks on almost every gear change and is biting higher up.
i dont ride the clutch, i dont use it as a footrest, and i use the h/brake on hills...
so i filled the reservoir up the other day, come out this morning and it looked like the car had been crying. at first tbh my immediate thought was the radiator but traced the drips up to the washer jet, the spray area is full off water and god knows why.
any help? or ideas as to what the cause...
right, so i have my titanium 182 and it came with 172 alloys which tbh have been looking tired, and stained with something and are now beginning to piss me off a bit. so, because the 8 spoke 182's arent on it im toying with the idea of colour. get them refurbed and a really bright shiny silver...
a nice one at that, through the stockbroker belt and surrounding areas, looked at a naked Mclaren in the showroom, and basically had a good blast. all the while i was thinking it needs a 6th gear.
first proper 'angry' drive since i bought it seeing as the roads were clear, so it got some pain...
the sun has appeared and about time, so i wiped the dash, did the glass, vacced it out, then gave it a bath. a brew and some biscuits later i broke out the deep gloss AG and polishing cloths and set to work :approve:
today is a good day to own a titanium silver 182. i like it. it looks the...
an observation i have made since i started looking for a clio sport, is that the front wings 'appear' to be a different shade, darker in the day and lighter at night. has anybody else noticed this? :S
i looked at a 172 cup in silver and steered clear because of the wings, a monaco blue 182 and...
i have a platinum chain i'm looking to sell, so to judge the market i had a look on eBay and this little beaut cropped up
now, i dont...
hi, im from stockport, bought a 182 2 weeks ago, im also on cliotrophy too just thought id check this site out too seeing as its been mentioned a few times in other posts.
anybody else from my area? :)