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'02 plate 172 in silver spotted in the Grassmarket area of Edinburgh in the early hours of Saturday morning......round about 2:45am. Was anyone off here out scouting for muff? LOL!
Spotted this 172/182 replica on Pistonheads and saw that the owner claiming "better looks than a Clio Sport."
Anyone actually think it looks nicer than a 172/182?
Spotted this evening around 5:30pm at the Sheriffhall roundabout on the Edinburgh City Bypass. Car was a Black Gold 182 with Reg **04 KTK going east. I passed you in my Black Gold 182 as I was heading further round the roundabout going to Dalkeith.
I passed a dark blue 172 with reg X*** XSC (I think XSC was the last 3 letters!) this morning around 7:30am travelling westbound on the Edinburgh City Bypass. Anyone off here?
I've got a new Samsung NC10 netbook that I got at xmas and I'm having trouble downloading MSN messenger onto it. I'm downloading it from the following site:
I click on Get It Free then when I go through the various options then save and run MSN a...
I went past the Renault garage (Evans Halshaw) last night in Sighthill Edinburgh and noticed there was a car in the showroom that was covered in a red blanket/cover.
What's the next Renault that's about to launch? New Megane?
Spotted a dimma'd mk1 clio on Queens Street Edinburgh at 4:30pm today. Was a darkish colour (flip paint I think!) with a private plate and sounded nice!
I was alongside E11 OTT's 182 in my 182 on Calder Road on my way home from work tonight. 2 black gold 182's together in the traffic - LOL.
Good to get a wee wave too! :cool:
Spotted a black gold 182 parked on Parkhead Drive in Edinburgh last night around 8pm. Couldn't tell if it had cup packs but had a private number plate on it that started C1 ***.
My g/f's brother has driven his Clio (W plate 1.4 S) into the back of someone. The bonnet is severley bent, the passenger side arch is cracked, passenger headlight is smashed and the radiator looks pushed back a bit by the impact.
Having had a look under the bonnet nothing engine related seems...
Well today was my 182's first ever MOT. She will be 3 next week but I put her in a week early incase any warranty fixes were required.
Needless to say she sailed through the MOT........I wonder if it will go aswell in November 2009!
Was a good day at Crail last Sunday - weather was dry and partly sunny, but it was very windy and cold. No other Clio's there either! :( Best time I managed was a 15.07 on the 1/4 mile but as it was into the wind I was happy with that! Here are some snaps I took:
There were lots of...
'04 plate black gold 182 with cup packs spotted in Corstorphine Tesco car park last night around 7:45pm.
I did the sad thing and parked my black gold 182 next to your car when I nipped in to Tesco for 5 mins.
Silver Clio Sport with private plate S77 *** spotted this afternoon parked in the new Elements car park. Car had the anthracite alloys but no front splitter.
I've tried accessing my hotmail account for my e-mails using the "envelope" icon in my MSN. When I do this I am being told:
"To display language characters correctly you need to install the following language pack:
When I click "Install" I am asked to:
"Please insert the Compact...
W*** SAS silver 172 spotted in Evans Halshaw Renault Edinburgh around 4:45-5pm this afternoon. Had TSW alloys, 6x4 exhaust and poor lex-ar$e style rear clusters.