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  1. cava83

    Any SQL Server Experts

    Let me know how you go about it, I will try to find out from my colleague how me would go about it, he normally does all this. :) Good luck :)
  2. cava83

    Any SQL Server Experts

    It can back up sql but not directly, you have to do it another way. I will investigate, sorry, i'm being vague here.
  3. cava83

    Any SQL Server Experts

    Can you not use a mixture of DTS and the maintenance plan in conjuction with sql ?
  4. cava83

    Any SQL Server Experts

    veritas is gay, it cannot back up the sql when it's mounted. Special way of doing it, not sure what the exact sequence is though.
  5. cava83

    Any SQL Server Experts

    How large is the back up? Yes, it's clear to what you want. Just a query, how long does it take to back up and what are you using? Thanks, G.
  6. cava83

    Another CSS Question

    are you causing trouble again ! Seems to me like the CSS file cannot be found, so it canot apply the styles Attach the files on here as a rar or zip
  7. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

    After having played the WII I am finding the controls, in terms of viewing around and shooting people a bit harder, as with the wii it's just point and shoot on the screen, hopefully I can overcome this. My bro and house mate have been playing it a lot more than me, b******s :)
  8. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

    Thanks Hoff :)
  9. cava83

    who says lcd's cant do black :)

    Gorgeous TV. In all honesty, the PS3 looks amazing on my pioneer :) However, being a plasma i'm a bit :s towards playing games on it.
  10. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

    aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii when I get online, will buy that warhawk game and check it out !!!! Think it's going to be an ok purchase, needed a new DVD player anyway ...:o
  11. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

  12. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

    Will do :) I take it's good?
  13. cava83

    Got a PS3 yesterday

    Right, finally got one to play with. I have a couple of games, Gcon and Resistance fall of man. Any recomendations or anything at all? Getting the Internet at home on Wednesday so will hook it up then. Thanks,
  14. cava83

    OMG this is amazing.

    The idea is great, however as you state, the mirrors are the bummer part, no direct contact with the image is possible. You are quiet right :)
  15. cava83

    Microsoft Web Expression

    Balls !!!! Does not to ANSI !!!! Stupid, stupid!!!!
  16. cava83

    OMG this is amazing.

    Not quite, think about it in the larger scale, specially in terms of medicine and further aspects. For instance Full body images could be reproduced to model the human body and train people as it's a full 3d replication that can be viewed in any angles.
  17. cava83

    Web designer wanted for small job

    i'd like a boxter, can you tell me how to get one, legally :)
  18. cava83

    Web designer wanted for small job

    What do you need doing?
  19. cava83

    Samsung LE32R74BDX 32 in

    I knew it was around that figure :) I am sure you are glad you got those extra 7" :rasp:
  20. cava83

    Samsung LE32R74BDX 32 in

    might be interested. Wasn't griff selling his for £350?