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  1. R

    Seat Belt Rattle 182

    Thanks! Had another look and thought it was the 2 seat belts knocking together but it was actually knocking the bolt on the roof so just stuck a sticky pad (like the ones you put on the bottom of furniture legs) and it's stopped thank god! Heat shield next 😂
  2. R

    Seat Belt Rattle 182

    I have the most annoying seat belt rattle coming from the rear seat belt attached to the roof. I know these clios are prone to rattles but it's come on recently and short of bluetacking it to stop it from moving I'm not really sure what to do? Anyone else had this issue and found a fix? Thanks
  3. R

    Clio 182 Refresh

    Cheers for the help guys. Turns out most of the stuff I thought might have needed replacing was okay. Instead he found someone had bodged the rear brakes (didn't replace a washer of some sort) and somehow they had welded themselves to the stub axle. £450 later and that was with a discount!
  4. R

    Clio 182 Refresh

    I meant more specifics such as the suggestion James gave (Thanks James). He's doing it as a favour so not going over it with a fine toothed comb. Thanks for your insightful comment.
  5. R

    Clio 182 Refresh

    Getting my 182 looked at by a mechanic friend of mine on Monday and have approx. £400 to spend on getting some things fixed up and refreshed. Just a little more details on the car: - 80k miles - Cambelt done in 2012 - Scorpion Exhaust - Cooksport Springs - RSTuner Remap - Tyres plenty of tread -...
  6. R

    Timing Check

    Awesome thanks for the help guys :) Obviously £100 vs £650 is a fair difference and considering I only paid £2k for the car was hoping I could get another couple of years out of the belts.
  7. R

    Timing Check

    Picked up a 182 back in Jan and loving it so far! Checked the cambelt etc. was done back in 2012 and only around 10k ago so not due for a while. Have just had a full service then occurred to me that the guys who did the cambelt weren't specialists so likely the timing is out. Have had an rs192...
  8. R

    Spring Fitting

    Got myself some cooksports for my 182 and wondering if anyone had a recommendations for fitting around Mid Sussex area? Rough cost? Too busy/incapable of fitting them myself! Thanks
  9. R

    Superglue Issues (noob mistake)

    Thanks, will give that a go. I assumed the clips were snapped on the trim rather than the gaiter, should have done my research :(
  10. R

    Superglue Issues (noob mistake)

    Okay so just bought a FF 182 in amazing condition apart from a couple of minor things one of which was the gaiter clips had been snapped. Like an amateur I tried supergluing back on and not prepping properly before hand. Whilst the supergluing was a success I dropped some on the plastic...