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  1. D

    Urgent 182 Owner Survey

    Heres a little point regarding the so-called North/Souith divide from a very proud Geordie. I have a friend who moved South to London to earn mega-bucks back in the eighties and every chance he gets he cant wait to get back to Newcastle as he cant stand the people, the area and especially the...
  2. D

    New Clio on Wednesday

    Hey Red Clio 52 Took your advice and joined. Ordered a key ring aswell. Hope I post nothing but good news.
  3. D

    New Clio on Wednesday

    Will be picking up my Silver Clio 182 (ahem...import) on Wednesday. Could have had it sooner but the dealer said to wait for the new 54 Reg. Not too sure why as I wanted it bad. Will be glad to get rid of my MINI Cooper as it just cant cut it anymore after I test drove the 182. Nice to know...