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  1. C


    hey peeps, wonder if you can help? i want a decent set of coilovers for my phase2 1.216v but cant find anything thats appropriate to my needs. ther's loads out there but not any that will wind down to how low i want. ive dropped mine on lowering springs, this will sound extreme but its lowered...
  2. C

    Is my car f*cked?

    your car probly aint that bad, alot of clio's com in at my work for this, usually it needs a new sensor, its not gosbal though. oh yeah, by the way the renault dealership i work at charges about £80 an hour labour rate. thats the same for all ren dealerships.:eek:
  3. C

    My clio (joe_1.2)

    bruv dont listen to these people, if your proud of your clio thats all that matters, (look after number 1). my first car was a mini, it wernt all that but i loved it. this site is meant to be for clio owners, for people that have pride in their cars and are interested in sharing with others...
  4. C

    Photoshop Window Tints

    think it would look good. bright colours look good with tints. ive got limo on the rears and tailgate and the next shade down (which autoshades call dark) on the fronts, its illegal but somtimes you just have to do it.:cool:
  5. C

    fred pimped my wheels

    sweet. look heavy!! love the shoes too. lol
  6. C


    yeah i remember. wots happening? hows you and your motor?
  7. C


    yeah its all good, i took them of a while ago, i had them on for donny.
  8. C


    hey peepz. ive been lookin at the site for a while now, but couldnt join back then, looks as though its all sorted ive looked at a few of the pictures people have posted of their clio's and its good to see people modifying them properly, the ones you see down my way look as though...