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  1. J

    Owner to be - 182 Options....

    I have seen a F/F 182 with the suspension cup pack but not with the spoiler cup pack. If I wanted to fit these afterwards, the larger rear spoiler and the front splitter, how much do you think this would cost? and where would be the best place to purchase them from? Would be grateful for any help.
  2. J

    Owner to be - 182 Options....

    Many thanks for you help mate. Do you think I be able to get a silver 182 for 8K with the cup packs?
  3. J

    Owner to be - 182 Options....

    Hi, Need so help!! Looking for a 182 full fat with both cup extras. I know that if the car has the dark alloys then is has the upgraded suspension cup pack, but how do you if the car has the upgraded spolier cup pack. Anyone got any pictures of a standard 182 and a 182 with cup pack spoliers on...
  4. J

    182's with or without cup packs??

    Cheers for that. What are the differences between the Cup front and rear bumpers compared to the standard 182 bumpers?
  5. J

    182's with or without cup packs??

    Can anyone help!!!! I decided to go for the Clio 182 fitted with cup options. However i've been looking on autotrader and i'm getting confused with what is meant by cup pack. I've seen cup suspension upgrade and i've seen cup spoiler upgrade? Does this mean that there are two options and how...