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Search results

  1. M

    Custom Sticker

    and i told you, get about 10 or 15. :p
  2. M

    Custom Sticker

    bump... whats the score with these?
  3. M

    Custom Sticker

  4. M

    182 boys = nice site... £182 for set of 4 tyres for my stupid rims, cheapest ive seen and the tyres look half decent :) cant afford expensives all round, so maybe next year i'll get better tyres (maybe new rims to match. lol) thanks for the link, please see my other thread too tho entitledd...
  5. M

    how much?

    how much should it cost if i buy tyres for my alloys to get them swapped at a tyre dealer? im considering buying the tyres online (4 for £200 - yokohama 205 40 17) and i was wondering how much should i get charged if i take the alloys upto the place and get them to swap them. baring in mind i...
  6. M

    re upholstering?

    Okay, so i have standard trim in my car, an di was wondering how i would go about getting it re-upholstered (not just covers) in leather and suede. i realise its not going to be cheap, but i was wondering where i should look to get this done, or look into it, using original seats but re...
  7. M

    195 width or 205 width...?

    i have 205's on my astra but on a 17 rim.
  8. M

    Pics 18" Mags?

    looks sweet...
  9. M

    Help? laptop cooling fans???

    is it just me that finds this a really silly statement? i want a fan, that does more than just blows air. THATS WHAT A FAN IS, someting that sucks air in and blows air out! hmmm... my laptop gets hot, but nothing it cant handle. it hasnt fell over since i bought it. maybe just open a...