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Search results

  1. H

    HELP PLEASE - Rumbling noise I can't locate

    If you need a service and cambelt ( 5 years or 72K ) I had mine done 3 month ago by nationwide auto centre in Widnes, for £640 ( runs great ). They had all the right torque tolls etc and fitted new cam gears and water pump. Similar quote from a main dealer would have been in excess of £1000...
  2. H

    HELP PLEASE - Rumbling noise I can't locate

    I had a rumbling noise that seemed to be linked to the wheel motion and not the engine speed. It sounded like it was coming from the passenger side but actually was the rear offside. It turned out to be nothing more than the back box exhaust mount. The rubber inner had perrished and the metal...
  3. H

    New member says "Hi".

    Hi Sash, I 'm from the North West ( yes a Northener ), I blame my parents. Its a little place affectionately kown as "sunny Runcorn".
  4. H

    New member says "Hi".

    Hello all, I've recently joined and thought it about time I said " Hi ". I recently procured a 2004 172 CUP and love it to bits. I wasn't actually looking for the Cliosport when i went looking for a new car, rather I stumbled across it. I was actually going out for a day of test drives...