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  1. S

    Passenger seat problem on my 182

    Hi, When I pull up the handle to slide the passenger seat forward the handle just flops up and down but doesn't bite onto the cable to then enable it to slide forward. I took it took a local renault dealer who were sorting something else out at the time and asked if they could look at it...
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    Rs192 exhaust problem...!

    I guess it could do due to the movement of the engine but i'm not to sure... I recieved the part this morning so i'll get it fitted monday and i'll see if it makes any difference!
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    Rs192 exhaust problem...!

    Apparently it happens due to when the engines under strain it twists or tilts which then effects the meeting points of the parts to the exhaust?????? I've ordered it just now and the guys at Northwest said I should get it tomorrow so i'll get a friend to fit it and let you know if it works. Theo
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    Rs192 exhaust problem...!

    Thanks everyone.... Northwest seems to be the option for me
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    Rs192 exhaust problem...!

    Hi, I had a rs192 scorpion exhaust fitted a while ago now but noticed a blowing noise when the cars hitting over 3000rpm... I have tried emailing the people I got it from but I think they've gone out of business :S Would anyone else know where I could get a new gasket with the springs for...
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    Ipod connectivity with factory fitted head unit...?

    I have a Clio 182 54reg and would like to know if its possible to connect a lead into the back of the factory fitted head unit so I can play my ipod through it??? If not i've tried the iTrip and they're crap so any other ideas would be great ;) Thanks, Theo
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    WOW___________ just picked up the car and the system sounds amazing, really is such a perfect deep bubble when idling and very descreet when driving as normal. Just have to put up with a little dribble of water for a bit where the catalytic converter meets the manifold pipe and a bit of...
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    I'll have a good look later! cheers for pointing that out.
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    Also do you reckon theres a market for a slightly rusty 182 exhaust on here or eBay to get a bit of cash back?
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    How about one of these
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    The exhaust is all fitted now but apparently one of the gaskets on the exhaust system is leaking a little water with a little whistle noise (not that noticable). He did say this could just be temporary until it seals up or knocks into place from vibration from the engine but to replace it it...
  12. S

    RS192 fitting problems...

    I agree with murcod on the basis that the exhaust system has had great feedback so far with only a few snags along the way such as fitment. I'm just desperate to get this exhaust sorted and frustrated I cant get hold of From videos, posts and pictures the system looks fantastic...
  13. S

    RS192 fitting problems...

    Thanks for the info, me and my friend mainly have honestly tried everything and all combinations but something really is not right. He will spend a bit more time on it tomorrow but theres only so long I can hold up his garage and delay paying customers... I'll keep you updated in the morning...
  14. S

    RS192 fitting problems...

    It must be the exhaust as we've tried a few other things but still no luck.
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    Big problems... I have just spent a couple of hours with my friend at his garage trying to line up this exhaust. everything is fine until we go to fit the last (right hand side) back box which the pushes everything of to the left almost touching the bumper! He does tune cars for a living so I...
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    RS192 fitting problems...

    Thats amazing thank you. How long did it take you to do the entire job?
  17. S

    Which exhaust for my 182?

    I'm down in Brighton
  18. S

    Which exhaust for my 182?

    Hello mate, just got an RS192 exhaust delivered and is being fitted as we speak even though its a pain in the arse to fit. I'll let you know what its like once its all fitted. Have a look into it though........
  19. S

    RS192 fitting problems...

    A friend of mine owns a garage and is servicing my 182 today along with fitting my new Scorpion RS192 Exhaust ;) Although i've just had a call from him saying he's spent 2 hours trying to fit the exhaust by the tail pipes that just wont fit!!!!!! he's pulling his hair out :mad:so are there any...
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    Irratic Revs when idoling!

    New to the site and 100's of different messages and slightly old... Thanks for the feedback though it minds a little bit at ease, Theo
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    Irratic Revs when idoling!

    Just thought I'd make sure.... The needle does bobble up and down a little???
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    Irratic Revs when idoling!

    Hi, My car is perfect in sooooooo many ways but i've noticed when im idolling the revs are a little bit irratic. You can feel a slight throbbing also. Any ideas???? Thanks, Theo
  23. S

    new clio 182 owner here any friendly advice

    My 182 had the healdight washer issue for a week and then decided to heal itself and is perfectly working and not leaking..... Clever car!!!!
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    Hi everyone, I'm new to the site and just thought i'd say a quick hello... I've been driving a Clio 182 with the cup packagesfor the last 10 months and am in complete love with the car. Anyway, HI! Theo P.s also I need to get some genuine mats for the car - any suggestions?