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  1. K

    Help and Advice

    Yeah I think the same, but will it be thirstier? Ive had a brief drive in a 1.2 16v and it was pretty cherpy. :)
  2. K

    Help and Advice

    I would most likely be going on my parents policy. I would quite like a 1.4 8v sport. Is there any difference in performance between the 1.2 16v and the 1.4 8v? I know te specs are roughly the same, but not always true....
  3. K

    Help and Advice

    To all, I am new to ClioSport and I am looking for help and advice. Im 17 and wanting a Clio as a first car, specifically the mark 2 between years 2000 - 2005. Can anyone give me help and advice on what to go for... 1.4 8v? 1.2 16v? Any advice on performance, fuel consumption, safety...