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  1. P

    Quick response

    I need a quick reply if poss.. Anyone any experience with DIY tints? Which brand to go for.. Im after dark smoke. Do they look ok when DIYd Cheers Ad
  2. P

    Snooper worth the money

    Unlikely im afraid.. Unlike Radar guns that produce Radar scatter signals, the laser signal is only 1 metre wide at a distance of 1 mile away.. therefor if youve got the laser detector sensors in your windscreen, EVEN THAT may not pick up the laser which is on your number plate.. The best place...
  3. P

    Snooper worth the money

    Nothing protects you from hand held lasers in enough time.. IF and thats IF laser detectors pick up the laser getting you, youve got 0.3 seconds to slow down becuase thats how long it takes a copper to get you with one from up to 2 miles away.. Best options are the laser diffusers that block...
  4. P


    Isnt it 14 days before you know if youve got done?? I was driving to Edinburgh a week friday ago and saw a copper on the next bridge i was coming up to.. Slowed down to 70 and sh*t my pants.. Got some research done, and apparantly, lasers have a range of up to 2 MILES!!!! So obviously was...