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  1. M

    The last pics of my Clio....

    Shells mine boys, don't worry it's in very good hands and will defo live on ;)
  2. M

    My Little Valver

    What's everyone's thoughts on Cambridge roads, just seems that every time i go out in the valver the rear suspension seems to get worse, i.e. the bushes are now fooked because of Cambridge roads. The rear has all stiffened up and is now knocking over the bumps and over the shear fact that the...
  3. M

    My Little Valver

    thanks for the offer struggler much appreciated but really after leather, found full set on flea bay, the guy wants £100 for the lot but the drivers seat has been ripped, oh wel just keep trying. does anyone know if i rebore by 0.7mm per bore, would i need a remap??
  4. M

    My Little Valver

    does that mean mine is currently on ph2 runners or not??
  5. M

    Clio 182 pistons

    Andyman is absolutely right low comp pistons all the way. Safest way IMHO. :)
  6. M

    Cambelt change after 16000 miles?

    As the belt is under tension it becomes weaker over time, also it can perish over time, this is why it was based on age and not mileage. Always best to be safe rather than sorry. :)
  7. M

    Whats Mods

    lighten and balance the flywheel ;)
  8. M

    My Little Valver

    Any info on the flywheel, anyone? Time is running short the listing ends soon on ebay.
  9. M

    My Little Valver

    When i've finished all the work on this valver i'll have to pop over for you to see, or post you some pics or something, wont be for a while though money seems to be an issue.
  10. M

    My Little Valver

    yeah it does shift but once the new engine is in i'll be rebuilding the old one as well as a spare, what about this interior you have any good??
  11. M

    My Little Valver

    yeah it's all good, just after a little bit more power out of my new engine. What was the phs2 interior was it the half leather?
  12. M

    My Little Valver

    Still running sweet, although tappets just started to tap, just brought a new engine though, currently rebuild it. BTW did you get your new coil overs sort?
  13. M

    My Little Valver

    hey barry yeah N58 EJO Black valver.
  14. M

    My Little Valver

    Yeah wasn't too happy that they wanted a membership fee. Great site tho.
  15. M

    My Little Valver

    Also will a renault 5 gt turbo flywheel fit this car??:S
  16. M

    My Little Valver

    So i've recently brought a valver, only problem is that the previous owner has replaced the black leather interior with the dimma creme leather interior, it seems that finding the complete black leather interior is near impossible !! Any thought's on what i could do? as this interior is a...