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Search results

  1. J

    MK1 low clio

    hi sorry only just replyin, well its lowered bout 90mm so im told i think dean has to have the lowest that looks mint as fook, as for the exhaust the lads at kwikfit changed all the clamps to smalller 1s and twisted the exhaust or summet like that n it sits right up now not a problem...
  2. J

    MK1 low clio

    well id like t say im probally lower, i didnt do this post t bragg i wa just wondering outa intrest its lowered 60mm front on GMAX sprinks n i think my back is about 90mm so im told it doesnt catch wi ppl in the back the only problem i had wa with the exhaust it caught everywhere but i had all...
  3. J

    MK1 low clio

    just outa intrest does any1 know whos got the lowest mk1 clio on the website wi 15"s on ? any pics cheers
  4. J

    Dynamique Interior

    hiya m8 cheers yea i smashed it up after 2days any there replacing it wi a dynamique cos they dont do billabongs anymore cheers for the pics
  5. J

    Dynamique Interior

    Need pics of original interior please either host on her on send them to me @ mailto:JonJO_BURNISTon@HOTMAIL.COM">JonJO_BURNISTon@HOTMAIL.COM Thanks
  6. J

    1.2 BILLABONG!!

    Rich_M is urs only a 1.2 if so how come u have the chrome parts on the side strip and if they say 1.2 where u get them cos i think it looks cool as fook Buy the way i pick my billabong up on the 10th of this month cant wait im well gettin excited And on the cd scenerio ive just done 50cds...
  7. J

    just got chased :s

    i once got chanced on mi motor bike if it wernt a bike i wud of been killed i reckon,they were tryin to ram mi there were loadsa of them in a cavalier it was fukin rapid cudnt chase it off i had to end up going down a ginnel(sniket/backstreet) wat ever the sayin is where u live, well sh*t mi...
  8. J

    SONY cdx-ca900

    My cousin as that same modle it looks well but the thing is ur m8s always nick the main remote for a laff and u search ur car bout 300times b4 they tell u but the sound seems alrite ;)
  9. J

    beeping noise!

    its ur seatbelt if not i dunno wat the seat belts have a safty thing what beeps its only drivers seat tho that it is
  10. J

    Need a 1 or 2 inch aerial

    r u selling the beesting how much m8 ???
  11. J

    Need a 1 or 2 inch aerial

    ive just seen the ferrai mi self like SWEET. bet hes parked on sum poor persons drive on the posh estate round corner from him thats y he only got 2pics LOL JOKIN (just incase u didnt no)
  12. J

    pioneer & steering wheel connector

    where u from theres a shop in middlesbrough called motor scene and they sell em for bout £15-£25
  13. J

    Vibe sub boxes - worth the money

    Eyup m8 well hopfully ive just got mi self a 15" with sub for £150 so lets just wait and c :D
  14. J

    How much are these worth nowadays

    If u still got the sub how much. Wher bouts r u?:)