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Hi Guys,
My Clio is currently in my mates workshop.
I've got an F7P engine, box and exhaust ready to go into it.
The car it's self, is a 1995, Renault Clio 1.2 injection, so the engine swap should be fairly straight forward in terms of electrics etc.
Gonna be sticking the valve clocks in it...
I went to have a look at my little Clio last night (a good look in day light).
I also had a look at the valver engine, and bits and pieces which are going on it.
Once I get them I'll make a bit of a project/show and tell thread, so I can show lots of pictures, and ask lots of questions.
Right, so it's an F7P which is going in it.
What do these go like? What can I expect?
It's going to be on the standard 13" wheels, Jay tells me it's had a re-map, but I dont have any knowledge of this.
Once it's done, I'll have to get some dyno time to see what it's kicking out.
Do they have...
Hi Guys,
First time poster here, and I'm about to pick up my first Clio this weekend.
I've previously owned a Renault 5, had a runabout Fiesta for a bit, and I'm now going back to Renaults.
I'm buying a 1995 Renault Clio 1.2 3 door in blue.
It's currently in my mates workshop having an F16ie...