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Search results

  1. M

    interior door handle

    HI, I dont know my own straight some times anyway I just broke my drivers interior door handle I've just ordered a new one and it looks simple to replace the question I need to know is the bolt that holds it in place when I undo the bolt will the nut drop or will it stay in place for me to just...
  2. M

    Common engine faults for 1.2 Clios ?

    1 Mayo looking stuff on the oil filler cap which you would think is a head gasket fauilt but it's because the engine don't have a oil breather only happens on short trips 2 some cars have problems with the ecu being behind the engine and the wires breaking down there probily a few more but i...
  3. M

    black clio sport yellow wheels- beccles, suffolk

    nice clio love the wheels i was the one you let me out near the chip shop. thanks
  4. M

    Happy 60k clio

    late 2001 almost a 2002, 40 miles off 100k which will be 100k this time tomorrow night
  5. M

    turtle wax black box

    I have a pearl black clio and wanted to know does stuff work i'v just t-cut the car back to a nice deep black, and wanted to wax it to keep...
  6. M

    Kumho KH31s

    some are soft, my friend uses kumho's on his rally car and 12car plus i think road car thats why i use the really i'v used kh31's before they do wear out in about 7000 miles but i'm now on ku31's and they have last 18 months with the fronts swapped with the backs.
  7. M

    Kumho KH31s

    i'v always used kumho's good mid range tyre. good grip in wet and dry like you say. i'm now off to get 2 for the back, they do take about 150 miles to bed in like breaks and as long as you check the pressures are right they will stick to the roads
  8. M

    led bulbs

    i'v got a non sport thats what i thought, if you could that would be nice thanks
  9. M

    led bulbs

    i asked my gargage the other month about the led sidelights and number plate they said its a grey area as some new cars have led plate/ side lights but to play it safe and use the normal bulbs and just replace them when they look tired they only cost pennies
  10. M

    led bulbs

    mine has 3 wires i take it one goes to the boot lock to turn the light off. so did you wirer up all 3 or just the +- to the bulb?
  11. M

    led bulbs

    i'm not goner bother now with the rear number light as i'v just cleaned up the cover with t-cut and added aluminum tape to the inside of the cover to make more light go up rather than down and light up the ground
  12. M

    Numberplate Light Cover

    cleaned mine up with t-cut today and added some aluminum tape to the inside to try to point more light up rather than down as i notices one night i was lighting up the ground under my rear bumper
  13. M

    Temparature under clock showing 37 degrees

    left wing mirror try ebay mine said 43 last week but fixed it's self in a day renault dealer quoted me £53+ vat
  14. M

    led bulbs

    thats why i'm not worring bout the plate light. i'v got uprated head lights for the b roads i drive to work
  15. M

    led bulbs

    cool i'll look into it i just really want more light for the interior for now
  16. M

    led bulbs

    i was looking into led light for the numberplate but didn't want to run the resk of pod pulling me with to bright light on the back so i'm just goner clean up the old light cover if not get a nice new one
  17. M

    led bulbs

    thanks but not a payed up member yet
  18. M

    led bulbs

    should work then as long as the light is low level led so don't draw much power from the other one i'v just been told. right back onto ebay to look for boot light cases.
  19. M

    led bulbs

    i don't think so i'v looked but thats maybe cos i'm new to here and not looked every where, if there is one it be a great help
  20. M

    led bulbs

    tryed the push down ones not as bright as the exsiting one, i don't think it be that hard just need a boot light case, cut a hole clip it in and wire it up i'll ask my mate whos GMC astro which is lite up like a christmas tree inside and out. if it goes well i'll let you know and maybe post up...
  21. M

    led bulbs

    i'v oreded them, they should make the interior more brighter to see when i unlock the car at nite so i can see where and what i'm doing when getting in. just a thought is it possable to add another boot light by just wiring up to the exsiting light? Thanks
  22. M

    led bulbs

    I'M looking for the interior/map light and boot light
  23. M

    led bulbs

    I'v seen some led bulbs being used on here and just wanted to know where you get them from? I'v tryed ebay but come up with loads all different so unsure which ones to use. I'm only looking for interior bulbs for the interior/map light and the rear plate bulb. Plus are they illegal to use on...
  24. M


    thank you
  25. M


    hello i'v own my mk2 ph2 clio for 3 years now. i'v had a few cars my 1st was a 1990 mk1 clio i like the clio i know they have a few probliems but nothing that a hammer won't fix :D