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  1. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Thats your problem mate, when you hit a bump the top of the spring hits the chassis. I had a similar problem with an RS cosworth i had. Also noticed you havn't got the rubber liner between top of spring & chassis, that might add to the problem.
  2. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Top of the spring looks close to the chassis, is there much of a gap?
  3. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    No probs mate, have you checked the distance between rear axle & rear silencer box, ive put a scorpion on & its close to the rear axle, when i go a bit lower i might have to move the rear silencer back.
  4. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Just spoke to the place i bought the kit from, he is aware of a problem as he has had the same complaint from other customers, as you said Dan there was a problem with the first lot of springs being to low so they have just put longer springs in the kits, where is the R&D seems like its the...
  5. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Thanks Kieran, going to speak with the place i bought them from.
  6. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Pics as reqeusted Dan@519, as you can see ride height about the same as it was standard. I will take some photos of the springs when i get them off:(. O/S is a touch lower but both adjusters set the same.
  7. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Thats my next port of call going to speak to V Maxx see what they say, will post some pictures shortly.
  8. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    Are those the rubber pads under the original spring?If so i have removed the ones under the bottom of the rear springs and fitted the spring adjusters.
  9. J

    V Maxx coilover height on 182 cup

    I have recently fitted V Maxx coilover kit to my 182 cup, the front you can lower to an undriveble height which i am not looking to acheive, but the rear even on the lowest setting is no lower than it was when it was standard. V maxx claims on its website that you can lower the rear from 30mm to...
  10. J

    Toe in & camber

    Not quite the answer i was looking for!:banghead:
  11. J

    Toe in & camber

    Hi all, i am in the process of fitting VMax coilovers to my 182, does anybody know of a good place to get the Toe in & Camber set up properly once i have set the correct ride height. Cheers Jim
  12. J


    I am a new member of the forum & would like to say hi to everyone on here. Cheers Jim