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  1. S

    Clio getting it wrong on a Track Day

    Hi mate it was me!!!! :( i wasn't de accelerating or braking i spun coz i dipped the clutch to change up into 4th and when i did the back end stepped ot, with it being my first track day i just didn't know what to do, i turned into the skid but before i could get down a gear and the power back...
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    Few Donnington pics

    yoz decided to nick my wheel bolts!!! his wouldn't stay in!!! lol
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    Few Donnington pics

    Hi, yep that was me in the valver ha ha!! I was doing about 130 at the time when a squirell run accross the track and being the huge animal lover i am, i decided to spare the life of the poor defencless squirell by finnishing the life of my valver, i also managed to take over a skyline at the...
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    172 or Valver

    stop being a prick and get a cup!!! :)
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    172 Cams

    cheers guys, I have an exhaust and de-cat at the mo, i also have a viper pipercross induction kit, however getting the air into the throttle body as smoothly and with as little bends in the pipe is, well lets face it impossible unless you take out your head light or drill a big 80 mill hole in...
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    172 Cams

    Hi there people, just wandering if you would be able to give me some advice. I would like to know who has cams in their 172 What type How much Where to get them fitted Do they make a big differnece (are they worth it)!
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    snooper s6 police cash machine detector

    I used to have one of these and the radar detector only worked in the square on the windscreen, once more for full reception i put the aerial outside just behind the radio aerial, with the wire going through into the boot and through the roof lining. This was very easy to do and as i say i got...
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    New 2005 Clio.........

    well they have difinatly spoilt that!
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    800 Miles: How to slow down & Cruise

    You should use your engine to slow down anyway, it gives you better controll, and you stop quicker. As far as i am aware, there is nothing written in your contract or the hand book that can void your warrenty if taken over so many rpm.
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    N/W Mani Meet

    Hi people. Thanx for a great meal, as usual good to see you all and to meet you and your friend cliovicky. Dont worry ill let you off for the £4 ;) Sorry we had to leave so soon, but zo didnt really want a p1ss up. Hope to see you all again at the LAST N/W meet of the year and hope you...
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    Origin B2 Speed trap detector

    I used to have a snooper s6neo. that worked fine in my 172. The little square bit of glass in the centre of your windscreen is the only part that will allow GPS and Radar signals through. I found there wasnt enough room for both so i put my aerial through my boot lid and attached it to my roof...
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    how often does your dealer update you

    They never do mate. Renault dealers are absolutly CRAP. I dont know how many times i have told them. Oh and after you have received the car you will probably get a phone call (which is supposed to be confidential) asking how the service was and has been since you bought it. Both me and kev...
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    Do I pay or not

    Make sure you contact Renault UK about this problem because i dont think they would be to happy about it either. You could do with them sorting it out because if the guarge is part of Renault UK they will all know your situation and are likley to refuse your work or stick it on your next bill...
  16. S

    Are we Chavs

    I have to say i agree with telford about the scooters coz they are a pain in the arse, however toypop has a good point too. At least scooter riders that have bought there own veichle have bought what they can afford.
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    Are we Chavs

    Who has a 182? I never said modding a 1.2 was bad, i used to have one, but if you read my post and you have done things i mentioned, withought touching your engine, i beleive you to be a chav. As far as i am concerned you cant really modify your car inless you are going to make it look good...
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    Are we Chavs

    tuning and modding your car does not make you a chav! However having a gay little 1.2 with neon lights stuck on the front so you can see the elemant and lowering springs that make it as low as a snakes arse, with your sh*tty back box on and driving round with sh*t music on waking people up at...
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    182 much faster than a 172

    I raced my mate in his 182 to my 172 and there isnt a lot in it, but i would say as quick as the 172 cup. But as said above the handling is superb, I bought my 172 cheap because the 182 was coming out, but if i had waited for 6 weeks i could have had a brand new 182 with all the cup packages...
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    Renaultsport build quality improving

    Yeh I agree the 182 does seem to be a lot more stable in every sense of the word. Everything seems to work on my mates, no rattles, no bangs. Unlike my 172 and 172 before it. Was impressed with myne untill it had done a couple of thou. Now there are loads of rattles.
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    Xenon lights

    They use loads less energy, they run alot cooler as well, they also have that really good looking purple tint to them. They are miles better the halogen lights.
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    f**king ***** Car broken into!

    I know how you feel mate, I had my first car broken into twice, my last clio keyed and jumped on and my sister had her last car broken into once her new one broken into, and the last one was her fuel lines cut! The theivin little scrotum f**kers, i hate anybody who does this sort of mindless...
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    172 mkII vs 206 GTi 180

    all french car dealers are crap! No sorry all car dealers are crap. I would go with the Clio, they are much better value for money.
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    Insurance for a 182

    I am 20 on a 172 with 1yr NCB 3 years expierience, my girlfriend on as main driver, with no-noclaims. Tesco wanted 3k i got it with elephant for £2200. and its on a driveway overnight.
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    brand new motor

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    Cup spoiler brake light

    I Have Just done The same thing, got my spoiler all sprayed up with no idea about the changes needed. I isnt Just the wiring you need to change! You also need to swap over your washer jet end, which is a complete pain in the arse, and to top it all of the pipe that goes to it is about 20mm...
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    More Power

    I have a 172 and I am thinking about getting a new exhaust, and was wondering what the best system for my money is, i have had a price from powerflow and it is quite good. I was also wondering if it is worth putting a 182 manifold on instead of my original one, is it worth the £250? Please...
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    Planes, Ferries and Automobiles...

    but what a holiday. And i would just like to add that nobody has the right to coment on what is right and what is wrong, because i am definatly not one of the most insane drivers that are members of this site, but when you have been driving for 24 hours and you are nearly at your destination on...
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    Planes, Ferries and Automobiles... look how long it took him to stop!!!!! and i was chasing him during this manouver! Good job the 172 isnt as quick!
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    Planes, Ferries and Automobiles...