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  1. E

    08 Clio TCE Heater Fan Issue

    Cheers for the reply lemonnobby, I thought as much just need to find out how much one of these units is gonna set me back. Could another option be to solder a new thermal resistor and remove the old one at the end of the unit? Thanks
  2. E

    08 Clio TCE Heater Fan Issue

    Ok after unscrewing the unit I took a few pictures (below). I presume this is the control unit for the fan speeds, As only setting 4 works I guess it could be a fault with the circuit under the green poxy? Would it be easier to replace the unit and splice the red & black wires to the new unit? I...
  3. E

    08 Clio TCE Heater Fan Issue

    Hi Guys, Wonder if someone can help, I have a 2008 Renault Clio TCE which the heating fan has decided to pack up on settings 1-3, however 4 is fine. Searching the forums it seems possible that the fan resistor is at fault as the fan works on setting 4. However I need some help, Ive managed to...
  4. E

    New Member

    Just thought id Say Hi, New member from Birmingham and hoping this awesome forum can help with a few issues. Had clios since driving and now own Clio 2008 TCE. :D Thanks