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172 ph1

  1. Y

    RSTuner Install Video (Mac Workaround Guide)

    So I'm assuming this is the correct thread to post this but I just posted a video to Youtube about the full RSTuner install on your PC, Map install in the car, and first impressions. Since I don't have a window's PC, I had two options: either buy a new PC just to install the Map or to find a...
  2. R

    RS vs regular, part swap?

    Hello everyone! Recently I got my hands on a Phase 1 RS and it’s a bit of a fixer upper to say the least…😅 I’ve been looking at the possibility of buying another one for spares, however they’re hard to come by here and not really in my price range atm. Will anything from a regular 2door fit...
  3. mtph1pb_002


  4. MaddRT

    Maddy's PB Ph1 172 Track Inspired Show Car & Weekend Toy

    Hi all, So I've made a post over @ 'New to forum' area with some background so check that out if you're interested in some context I started recording my project last year on Instagram under @m444drt which I plan to still update as I go down to convenience as I'm more of the millennial...
  5. G Hut

    Dephaser Solenoid Sensor Seal Question?

    Hi Quick question, is there a good chance that the oil pooling in photo is coming from a bad Dephaser "Soleniod Sensor Seal" do these fail? Is it really as simple as one bolt, lift solenoid out, pull seal out then back together? Is this the part...
  6. hostler

    Hostler's 172 ph1 track/weekend toy

    I’ve been around this forum for a while, but never really started a project. I’ve owned a Clio before my current 172 ph1 but it was nothing special. My ph1 is now my track/weekend toy. My history with French cars I’ve only owned French car. My first car was a Citroën Saxo 1.1i. Great car but...