My nephew has saved his money up and wants to get a “gaming” PC. I’ve looked at the ones on overclockers and the such. What are the ore built ones like?
I’m so out of touch with modern computers. Any recommendations?
While its heart-warming to hear that some young 'uns look beyond Console Land for their gaming - £500 will be pushing it. Even in the 2nd hand market, choices would be pretty poor I'd expect and virtually impossible to obtain if he needs the full works like a monitor as well.
@Simon998 says - we could really do with some idea of the games that he wants to play. That will make a
massive difference on the potential budget and recommendations. Triple-AAA titles will invariably require much more grunt and the sky can literally be the limit in terms of expense.
The HUGE benefit of PC gaming is the sliding scale of what you want the game to appear and play like - especially with a plethora of input and control options. Not forgetting the insanely large back catalogue of titles, should you want to play a classic game from 2, 5, 10 or even 20+ years ago. I've got a couple of games in my Steam library that predate my first PC from back in 1992 - and they run fine on my current Windows 10 PC. See the common interest in all these retro consoles like the PS1 and Neo-Geo over the last couple of months? We can do that with our game libraries without the need to buy one-off, new equipment.