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02, 0range, T-Mobile - Free Mobile Phone Internet.? Whats the score?

As the title really, is this just phone based, or can i actually plug the phone into the laptop and use the mobile phone as a modem for the internet FOC under there mobile useage.?

Anyone nkow this.?
  172 Cup
As the title really, is this just phone based, or can i actually plug the phone into the laptop and use the mobile phone as a modem for the internet FOC under there mobile useage.?

Anyone nkow this.?

They mean you can access the internet on the phone NOT use the phone as a modem in conjunction with another device.
  SLK250 CDI
Some networks have enhanced options that allow modem use - like the T-Mobile Web&Walk Plus - I think it's £12.50 extra /month for phone & modem access.
  SLK250 CDI
Yes, but you're usually safe for occasional use. I used to be on Three and had X-Series which in the T&Cs didn't allow laptop use but I did once or twice if broadband went down, was away from home, etc.

On the bill you could tell because it showed most sessions has 500k etc. and then one or two ridiculously high like 34mb and stuff which is obviously laptop use - but they never contacted me or billed them.
I will try it out and see what happens. I can see in my contact that you get three warning before they take long as you are not downloading stuff and just checking mail etc then it should be okay I guess. Connecting to work through the Citrix servers may cause a problem though...
