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02 mobile - internet use

i mean using a mobile to access net, can i use this overseas? going to dubai in march and dont fancy taking laptop but still need access to e-mail. I have the bolt on for near unlimited monthly use but will it still be free overseas?
  RS 200
Doubt its free, turned my data roaming off when i was out there. Your contract will go out the window over there, looking at £1.50 - £2 per minute to call and texts are charged too.

Your hotel should have wifi, although you will probably have to pay for it which is probably alot cheaper than your mobile data.
  Clio 172mk2
wen abroad my texts are free but when i send 1 text its classed as 3.

send em a email n they should tell u
  Silver 182 Cup Packs
As said above data usage will not be free and will be charged at a heavy rate.

Phone O2 or check their website before you leave.
  172 Monaco
It will not be free of charge also you have to do a mobile broadband check to see if it will work in the area the only way to do that is find out who 02 use in the place you are going and do an online check for it.

The signal it uses is 3G and not all places have 3G most big towns and cities will have but other places it will be less and less.

The charges will depend on who the provider you are using in the other country, i expect it would be insane prices so best thing to do is use the WIFI on ur pc if u can once again most place have WIFI now so its free and easier.



oh i work at Car Phone Warehouse thats how i know
