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  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
Do o2 deal match does anyone know?

Am debating a move if they'll match my current plan with Orange.


  Racing Blue 182
O2 are really quite difficult when it come's to getting them to deal match...especially if you aren't with them currently.

Orange however, as you're with them, in my past experience have been brilliant at bettering their current deals if you "threaten" to leave them.
O2 are really quite difficult when it come's to getting them to deal match...especially if you aren't with them currently.

Orange however, as you're with them, in my past experience have been brilliant at bettering their current deals if you "threaten" to leave them.

That's because Orange have to fight for their custom..
O2 don't have to, so they don't care.. ;)

I'm not on the best deal (Just a standard store tarrif), but the whole customer service, coverage etc is just awesome on O2. O2 don't tend to barter as much as others.
O2 rock in comparison to Orange... i've now been on all four networks.. orange was by FAR the worst... O2 the best with t-mobile a close 2nd.
i base this on service, attitude towards customers, loyalty, willingness to help and other bits... AS a package O2 pwns.


  Racing Blue 182
O2 are really quite difficult when it come's to getting them to deal match...especially if you aren't with them currently.

Orange however, as you're with them, in my past experience have been brilliant at bettering their current deals if you "threaten" to leave them.

That's because Orange have to fight for their custom..
O2 don't have to, so they don't care.. ;)

I'm not on the best deal (Just a standard store tarrif), but the whole customer service, coverage etc is just awesome on O2. O2 don't tend to barter as much as others.

My point exactly my friend :)

And I found the customer service of O2's the main reason I jumped ship over to Orange.
O2 cant compete with Orange for deals.

O2 lack magic numbers :(

But try it anyway, then I can have your iPhone when you hate it! ;)
i stupidly jumped from O2 to Orange for a phone that O2 would have given me had orange not had the exclusive. Biggest mistake i ever made, you live and you learn... i've actually paid to get out of contract.
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
My current contract is awesome from a 'needs' point of view, and its brilliant from a 'value' perspective.. its just toss from a phones choice pov :(
The thing is, O2 are the best.. so they don't have to do stupidly low tarrifs. Same with Vodafone - people pay a bit more for good service! :p
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
lol, o2 *do* have stupidly low tariffs, or at least ways of getting them via cashback & stuffs...

I thought they were toss thou tbh.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
O2 have TERRIBLE customer service from my experience (3 years with them).

They have good value plans, MMS are included in SMS bundles (albeit as 4). They include (or at least they did) video calls in your voice minutes.

However as mentioned, they know their tarrifs are good, so will always have a fair custom. And this seems to show in the way they treat you when you have a problem or want an upgrade.

Orange have been brilliant with me from day 1. Although it's more expensive for the same package, and there's effectively no data plans (which is my only premise for leaving) their customer service is ace, and they gave me a choice of ANY phone for my contract which was only £35 at the time, and is now downgraded to £30 including a couple of bolt on extras.
o2 have terrible customer service, I was with them 4 years and had 2 contracts with them at the point where I had simply had enough!

Now with Orange whose attitude is better but want to charge £2 a month for itemised billing!

T-mobile has rubbish signal

So left with possibly trying vodafone or 3
O2 practically begged me to stay! lol..

Orange is better for me but the O2 signal was better and id like a proper iPhone tariff :(


ClioSport Moderator
Orange have never failed as much as O2 did for me.

Orange replace my phone every so often and im on a tarriff that people cant match.
Unlimited texts, 1000 mins, free weekend calls (not included in mins), insurance, 15 mms, internet, free phone, 6 magic numbers.

£20 blamo.
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
Orange have never failed as much as O2 did for me.

Orange replace my phone every so often and im on a tarriff that people cant match.
Unlimited texts, 1000 mins, free weekend calls (not included in mins), insurance, 15 mms, internet, free phone, 6 magic numbers.

£20 blamo.

I want that!!! Makes mine look w**k-y...

£25, 550 mins, unlimited texts, 15 MMS, 4 Magic numbers.. :(
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
contract customer service sucks at O2, but the pay&go customer service has won awards for being the best in the UK, go figure. Im with O2 and never upgrading lol, staff tariff is ace and the customer service team for staff is awesome!
I've never, ever, not even once, had a problem with O2 Customer Service.
Infact, out of every customer service place I've ever rung, they're probably the most helpful and clued up.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I've never, ever, not even once, had a problem with O2 Customer Service.
Infact, out of every customer service place I've ever rung, they're probably the most helpful and clued up.

Have you actually had problems that needed addressing? Or just questions?

Mine involved a couple of dodgy bills, having to claim on phone insurance (didn't even bother in the end I couldn't be bothered just to get a refurbed piece of junk), and general network issues.

They were a royal pain in the arse, just didn't have any scope to help (I was using a smartphone and a lot of the problems came from that).
Nope, had a couple of problems with billing (wrong tarrif to start with, then another tarrif change). All resolved within about 2 minutes of speaking to them (including a credit - I went well over my inclusive minutes, but because they knew I'd asked to be put on the higher tarrif, they credited me the difference.. :p)
I could be tempted back to o2, i just get frustrated at having to shout at them to get through to someone who can actually help.
