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1.2 starting fault

  1.2 clio freelander
Juat after some advice on my 1.2 surely this has got to be an immobiliser fault of some sort


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Any description of your issues, sometimes with low battery the immob unit can play up.
  1.2 clio freelander
Sorry tried uploading a video seemsnot to have worked. Problem is the car cranks over with all lights in the dash for 3-4 seconds then stops never appears to actually want to start, battery is on a jump pack so no problem there


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Bad earth? Is it known to be a decent jump pack as I've had plenty of dodgy ones
  1.2 clio freelander
12.v on battery alone, 13.8v on jump leads to land rover, ill charge the battery on the snap on battery charger at work
  1.2 clio freelander
This is the exact problem
Watch "renault clio starting problems help.3GP" on YouTube
renault clio starting problems help.3GP:
