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16v 0-60 vid

  silver valver/hybrid

anyone downloaded this yet? does it work? i did have some footage of me caining it down some lanes but it was too dark for the camera to pic up anything! doh!
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

It does work!!

Difficult to say on the time cos the speedos going all over the shop but it looks like around 7-8s. Good going for an uphill run!!
  silver valver/hybrid

yeah, speedo does bounce a lot, you can see it bouncing before i start, dont know why cus i was staitonary.
  Revels Mum & Sister

When you got to about 20-30 miles an hour. Were you spinning a bit!!!

Mite have to do one of those vids meself. What did you use to do the video!
  silver valver/hybrid

didnt spin at all, my speedo needle just bounces a lot! it gets better as i get past 40. I used my new digital camera, kodak dx4330, has movie mode (as you can tell!) i just blu-takd it to the steering coloum bit.
  silver valver/hybrid

so far ive got hill power chip and induction kit, Cat back scorpian exhaust, but ive got quite a weighty install, hopefully im getting a full respray soon so ill strip out the system and see if its any quicker!
  Revels Mum & Sister

Mate what difference does the chip make. Does it make it a bit more drivable. Iron out flat spots and so forth!
  silver valver/hybrid

dosent make a hell of a lot of differnce, good for holding the revs on a bend rather than having to change up, making it more useful on those fast lanes! though i still seem to have a bit of a flat spot.
