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16v conversion

I have come across a 1.8 16v clio (m reg) which has been shunted from the back, easily a right off.

I have a 1.2 phase 3 (p reg) and am curious as to what else would be needed for this conversion, as i have a full 1.8 16v so presumbly no other parts are needed? or would there be some needed?

any help is appriciated!
Ben j said:
put it this way... it'd be half the price of what u want to just go buy a 16v clio

Really depends on how cheap the shunted 16v is and if he can do the work himself tbh.
btw, you would have everything you needed from the 16v - though you may need to use the 16v bonnet as I'm not sure if it would fit under the phase 3 bonnet, meaning you may have to pay
for a re-spray if it's not the right colour.
  Caddy Maxi
everything fits, you dont need a 16v bonnet all you need to swap is the engine (obviously), rad exhaust and itsd advisable to swap the brakes and driveshafts easy done, not hard but far easier to just go buy one as it will handle like poo and generally will be a pain in the arse to insure
