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172 cd changer

  TDI tyre shreader

I bought a vdo ch600 changer off ebay to chuck in my 172 but i cant get it to work, its spits the mag out etc, and the radio knows its there as it says cd check, but it wont play any disks, it just says no cd. I have tried putting the disks in both ways up and it tells me there is an error on the cds which are the wrong way up, but still wont play the ones that arnt. Is it dead or not compatible with my radio?
  Ford Fiesta

VDO CH600 is a standard renault dealer fit unit. Had one on my dynamique and have got one on my 182.

If you have the correct wire (uses different wire to renault alpine unit) and you must have for it to be saying cd check etc you have plugged it in then it is 100% compatible with all renault tuner list stereos.

Take it you are putting the cds in label down shiny facing up, this is one difference between the renault alpine unit 6 disc and the vdo ch600?


[Edited by Liam182 on 27 March 2005 at 11:00pm]

just read you post again.

Id double check it take it out the magazine make sure everything clean and put them all in so labels facing down, shiny facing up.

  TDI tyre shreader

ive tried that, tried cdrs proper cd etc and nothing works, just says no cd, but it recognises when one of them is the wrong way up will say err cd 2, etc, do you think its boshed?
  Ford Fiesta

doesnt sound right. WOuld it do any good if you took it apart or not? you could always take it to an audio place see what they say?

Ive got a working VDO CH600 no wire or bracket, but presume you have them bits anyway, if worse comes to worse?

