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172 Manuals

  Clio 172
Hi All,
Just bought a 172 Cup and thought I would buy my mechanic (Dad) a manual for his birthday. I was very surprised to find out that there are none about. I noticed on this forum there was some electronic versions being emailed around about a year ago. I would be very greatful for any help in this area as the old chap is getting on a bit and I am starting to feel a bit guilty watching out of the window as he crawls around on the ground in the rain trying, to work things out for himself. I know I should take it to a garage to help the old bugger out, but he won't lend me the money to pay them.

Thanking you in anticipation,


ClioSport Club Member
If you look about here for long enough you should learn how to do things for yourself, if you have a problem ask and you will get help. This keeps your old man off the ground in the rain and you can put the £5.99 you would have paid on the manual towards a decent present.

Everyones a winner ;)
