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172 springs

  A well built VW

Ive been offered springs from 172 2002 clio will these fit a 1999 1.4 and is there really any point to doing this will i see a difference or should i just go for aftermarket ones - any suggestions
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Not sure whether anyones actually tried this, but there was a thread a while ago where someone said they wouldnt fit. Probably better to get some aftermarket ones that are for your model - springs arent expensive after all.

Not sure that I would try this, as your 1.4 engine is alot lighter than a 2.0 lump, so you may just be overpowering your dampers with the springs, giving your dentist something to rub his hands together about
  Lionel Richie

The rear will fit, but the front wont!!!! No point at all doing this, just get some 60mm lowering springs from Pi
