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172 Traction Control

When did they start fitting this on 172s, did some have it without a switch to turn it off?

Or is it just the new 2003 ones with ESP?


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Early mk2s dont have it but AFAIK all 2003 cars have it, my mates early 03 172 does anyway...

Hi jetsetjimbo, Im very new to the forum here, but I just bought a 172 myself which is dated Sept 2002 and it doesnt have it. Im assuming that it is only the latest models that have it i.e 2003 onwards, but not sure..

If you have it, you will have a switch new to the dashboard dimmer on the car, but you probably knew that anyway....




  Audi TT Stronic

Not really an aftermarket option and I doubt you would want it anyway, from what one person on here said it really stopped him enjoying his 172 (and there was no button to switch it off, renault made a few without the switchoff option)

I have Racelogic traction control fitted on my Mk1, advantage over the standard Reno control on the Mk2 is that you can set the % of slip you prefer (before it cuts in) to suit your driving style and road conditions, or switch off all together. The installation also gives you launch contol.

Jeremy - strange that you say that they have it from july 2002 onwards ? I was told that if I didnt have the switch, I aint got it !

Ive only had the car about 4 days, so how do I tell if I have it or not ?


Clio Sport is a Sept 2002 build


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by mitch on 30 September 2003

Ive only had the car about 4 days, so how do I tell if I have it or not ?
5000rpm and side step the clutch! ;)
