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182 revs problems

  Clio RS182
My wife's 182 had problems with regard to the idling speed being far too high, and the engine being unable to rev beyond 3,000rpm. It has been in the hands of an autoelectrician for weeks now, and I am beginning to despair! The engine will now go to high revs, having tried a throttle body swop with my own 182, and me supplying another one off e-bay. However, my wife's car did manage to rev above 3,000 for a time, before we took it in, so the throttle body being identified as the problem is still possibly incorrect. Now, the (reputable) autoelectrician has purchased a used throttle pedal, thinking that this will finally sort the very fast idle. My intuition tells me that I have been in a similar situation a couple of year's ago, and the fault was electrical in the end,- throwing replacement parts at it is usually a waste of money. Vector Sytems in Wincham, near Northwich sorted out the wiring problem then. The problem with Vector is that you have to wait weeks to get a booking. Anyway, has anyone any ideas? I am told that there are a couple of sensors on the intake system, could they be the problem. The car has a K-Tech induction kit with a sponge filter. I washed, dried and lightly oiled the filter with the correct oil two months ago, if It is too sticky with my oiling could this cause the problem? Any informed suggestions would be most welcome.


ClioSport Club Member
Electrical fault light on the dash?
I’ve been through the limp mode hassle myself so may be able to point you to what I did if it’s the same symptoms. Although my idle was fine, I’d just get an intermittent electrical fault light on the dash and limp mode, can’t go above about 3k rpm.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Coolant temperature sensor.

Disconnect the tb connector and it should rev high, be careful though.
  Clio RS182
Electrical fault light on the dash?
I’ve been through the limp mode hassle myself so may be able to point you to what I did if it’s the same symptoms. Although my idle was fine, I’d just get an intermittent electrical fault light on the dash and limp mode, can’t go above about 3k rpm.
  Clio RS182
Hi Louis,
The car is revving high now, but the idling is far too high. The guy working on it has mentioned "recalibrating", I think in reference to the throttle pedal . His premises are twelve rural miles away, and up a long track, so with my wife borrowing my car, I am not exactly looking over his shoulder. I am about to call him now for an update. These replies to my thread can potentially make my communication more useful. Thanks.


ClioSport Club Member
From my research, electrical fault light (and the throttle track error code you'll get on diagnostics) can be one of a few things. Throttle body, throttle pedal, the wiring in between or the ECU (rarely).
In my case, I had Mick at Diamond motors diagnose initially, he found a fault with the throttle body, I replaced with a brand new unit to rule it out completely and the fault went away completely for a few months.
It started intermittently again, so I sourced a verified low mileage pedal (new pedal with the proper metal plate NLA), no change. I figured Mick had already checked my wiring, so I took a gamble with a used ECU, had it virginised at EFI so it would pair to my existing UCH and swapped that over, no limp mode since. I believe ECU issues are rare though, my car had a larger battery in it and the positive terminal cover was missing, so I think it was shorted at some point to the ground of the ECU mounted right behind it. So may not be relevant in your case.

IMO, if you're able to swap a known good TB and pedal into your car and the issue stays the same, I'd take your car to a specialist with these cars (e.g. Mick at Diamond in Long Eaton) to diagnose the wiring.
When you say the idle is too high, do you mean by a few 100 rpm, or idling at 3k? If it's idling at 3k, that's the same behaviour you'd get if for example the throttle pedal was unplugged, which might make diagnosing easier. Could point to a complete failure of something, or a complete break in a cable somewhere if that helps at all.
