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1993 Clio IR remote/reciever probs

  Rover 620Ti (210bhp)
I've had a quick search on here and google and I can't seem to find the answers so any ideas?

I have 2 1993 1.4RTs both with remote central locking, neither of them work. They both have or have had leaky sunroofs/arials and the recievers are all corroded. I've cleaned them up but no luck.

Could the transmitters be out of sync? or do they just have a fixed code? I only need to get one of them working and I only have one fob (which should work wiht one of the recievers).

Can either for or reciever be recoded? How can I test to see if the reciever is working? Can you get repacment recievers? I'm guessing the ones at the scrappy will be in the same condition as I've not found a clio yet that dosent leak.

Failing that I'm just gonna put a std car alarm on them and wire it up. Anyone know of any cheap ones? Or even a secure remotely operated switch as I only need to trigger the central locking. The best price I've found is £45 but it is a fully featured system with anti hi-jacking adn panic/locater functions.

is the key fob working properly? mine always used to stop working properly due to a small connector inside the key breaking.
