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20" monitor recommendations?

Hi G,

Lovely monitors, I love Samsungs,

I have 2 x L2045W's, good screens, good stands too.


  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I don't really want to be spending more than £250-£300 on each one, my key requirement is that both monitors need to be able to fit within 96cms width. (That's 22"s out the window). I was originally going for 20" regular monitors, but am coming around to widescreen as that seems to be dominating pretty much now, I'm just not sure if that will work ok with two of them together? I guess so.
  Fiat Bravo Active TJet
Yeah 2 widescreens will be fine, as you can set the properties so that the resolution reflects them being widescreen.
To be honest.

From using 2 x 16:9 monitors is not too bad, basic £20 G/card can cope.

However, if I could do it again, I would have 4:3, this is only due to me doing work stuff and not movies.

It's things like RDC and so on which annoy me as you have to force them to be 16:9
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I use RDC when working from home though and am not likely to use the screens for watching films etc.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I think your mis-understanding Griff, I have a space 96cms wide to fit 2 monitors in. 2 x 22"s are more than a meter wide. The 20"s I'm looking at at the moment are exactly 96cm wide sitting right next to each other, so its going to be tiiiiiggggghht. Its all because my case is really wide and I don't want it on the floor, so I've got to get the two monitors alongside it.
  172 Cup
The second I posted it dawned on me what you meant.. I'll go and stand in the corner lol
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
they do a 20" pebble, I like the pebble design but I didn't like the idea of having 2 of them if that makes sense, i prefer the look of the SM206BW as a pair and it seems to have/use more technology, although it uses slightly more power and the viewing angle is less, but i think they are basically the same thing in a different case. I'll post some pics of the setup tomorrow when they arrive, its difficult to understand the scale of them at the moment.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
that's a 206BW actually, I'd have the 226BW but I can't fit two 22"s on my desk as well as the computer case. Two 20"s is going to be very tight, my case is a wide-mofo.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
well they have arrived, I'm pretty pleased with them, a couple of pics (but you really can't appreciate the scale of them) :


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  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
they were £160 odd each. Two screens means you can be twice as productive, you can view two website at a time, have iTunes open and still have the full use of a screen, etc, etc. Once you've tried it you'll never go back.
  Clio 182
Nice monitors, shame they have TN panels though, viewing angles andf colour reproduciton suffers with them.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
what does TN panel mean? I only view them from one angle (i.e sitting right infront of them)
  A4 Avant
I never quite understand why people rave about viewing angles on monitors. I only ever sit directly infornt of it.

Looks like a very nice setup Gareth. The dual screens are just for fun rather than work related?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I never quite understand why people rave about viewing angles on monitors. I only ever sit directly infornt of it.

Looks like a very nice setup Gareth. The dual screens are just for fun rather than work related?

for both, I work from home occassionally and use RDC to connect to several servers, so two screens help. The PC downstairs has my two old 17" TFTs as well now, so I can use that also.
