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3gp movie question


I've got a Nokia 6230 at the moment and it happily plays 3gp movies. However someone sent me a movie done on a new Sony Ericsson phone and that won't play on it, it wouldn't play on my mates Motorola.

Just wondering if anyone knew why? Surely 3gp is 3gp and it should work no matter who makes the phone. It plays fine on a PC under Quicktime or the Nokia movie player.
  Twingo 133
It is probably because the video is at the wrong resolution which isnt supported by your phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
3gpp still has different resoloutions, Just like any other format of video.
If your older phone doesnt support it then your stuck.

W900i for instance takes video at 30fps your phone needs to be able to play back 30fps video and unsurpisingly the 6230i cant.


Ah, that makes sense. Mine isn't even an i it's the original.

I'm waiting for o2 to get some decent phones, they have such a piss poor selection.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Everyone does at the mo.

K800i and K790i* announced next week. 3.2mpx cam same sizeish as the k750i

W900 on o2 soon, W810i also soon.

*Not confirmed final name.
