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4 x 12ich jbls

  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
i have taken my back seats out and fitted 4 x 12inch jbl subs, were can i put the 6x9s,
or should i just buy some good somponants? any help appriciated
  Clio 1.4 16v
Don't use 6x9's if you have to have that much audio, use good amped front components IMO

And use the original tweeter spot for your uprated ones, sounds a lot better
  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
will do, at the moment they sound terrible, when at volume they sound very wobbly, like there being broken up, prob because am using a 500 watt rms amp just for the 6x9s,
  Clio 1.4 16v
doesn't really matter about the amps power, its getting the right quality and making sure the gains/levels are correctly set
  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
ok, how should i set my amp then??????? they are the jbl gt4-12 subs running of a mutant amp?
  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
the sub ia a jbl gt4-12 its 250watts rms and 1000watts peak,
have a mutant amp wich is 400watts rms and 800watts peak

can find any links pal,
  Clio 1.4 16v
So you have just got the one sub, or is it like the title says and you have four of them??
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
sounds like a hell of a lot of wiring! take it they're single channel amps?
  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
yea have a power cap and some lorry battery, is alot of wiring and there 2 channel amps, im looking to get on big mono block at weekend but there a bit pricey
  Clio 1.4 16v
They are very pricey, when you have everything installed and working with some decent components, drop me a PM and I'll tell you how to properley set up your amps for optimum sound
  clio 1.2 16v (facelift)
ok, ill go and get a monoblock 2morrow, what do you reccommed, only have a motorworld and halfords near me,
  Clio 1.4 16v
If you have four subs then you need more than one monoblock, most monoblocks only have one channnel so you will definately need 2 or more, then it starts getting pricey, i'd say for now, properley wire in what you have, i.e bridge alll four amps, one per sub and see how it sounds before you spend any more

You can throw all kinds of money at audio but inless you pick the right stuff it will always sound crap
  Polo + Micra
lol monoblocks are only one channel cos thats all you need for subs

you need 1kW @ 1 ohm with those subs (not cheap)

just stick with the amps you got run each sub of them bridged



  big fat japanese bus
dj_andy17uk said:
If you have four subs then you need more than one monoblock, most monoblocks only have one channnel so you will definately need 2 or more, then it starts getting pricey, i'd say for now, properley wire in what you have, i.e bridge alll four amps, one per sub and see how it sounds before you spend any more

You can throw all kinds of money at audio but inless you pick the right stuff it will always sound crap

not stricly correct

mono blocs are single channel amplifiers hence the mono however they can run at reduced loads eg 2ohm or 1.333 ohm or even 1 ohm you can wire up speakers to show different impedences.

If you are currently running 4 amps you must use the correct wiring. you will need 0 guage plus a 4 way fused dizzy block

TBH a decent 1 ohm stable amp will run the 4 subs perfectly. If you are running 4 amps for 4 sub you will have a nightmare setting them up etc. Plus being Mutants thier power outputs will be no where near what they claim and will all produce differnt wattage.

How much money you got to spend?
