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6.5" comps in a Mk2 Ph1

  Megane R26
So has anyone been able to fit 6.5" components in the front of a Mk2 Ph1?? Just wondering if I got fit them in the standard pods with a bit of modifying :)

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
A few folk have done it but cant think who! I could show you pics of how I cut mine away and used a baffle for my 13cms as a rough guide if you want.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Yeah the speaker section will be exactly the same Steven.

Heres the only pic I cna find, its on the driver side but is only 13cm but it wouldnt be much more work to fit 16cm. The reason I cut mine was so that they could be bolted into the door more securely

  Nike Lunar Elite's
MrStabby said:
Cheers John, Any pics Hydeyho? Also you finished that boot install yet? Been going on a while :p

I'll try and get some when I go out later.

Still havent finished the install :clown: Too busy doing my final year project for uni. Will have a nice hassle free summer so should hopefully get done then.
