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A first car to be?

  Nothing yet!
Hi all, my names Connor I live in the Leicestershire area.
I'm on the hunt for my first car, and I'm drifting towards a standard 1.2 Clio.. Sorry I know the page say's sport!
I was hoping I could get your guys advice on what sort of modifications/little modifications (If any) I could do to the car, if I got one, which won't affect the insurance too much with it being so high at the minute!
Thanks all, will be sure to stick around and see what cars you have about on here:D


ClioSport Club Member
Take a look in the Non Sport thread and try to stay away from bodykits, bonnet bras, angel eyes, lexarse lights, massive exhausts and performance mods (like trying to polish a turd with a 1.2)

Subtle, low and cheap. Keep your money for a RS ;)
  Nothing yet!
This thread is very handy for cheap and effective mods

If you become a paid member you can see the 1.2 buyers guide, for the sake of £12 you could save yourself buying a complete lemon.

Thanks a lot, that will come in handy! I'll definitely look in to the paid member part, thanks!

Take a look in the Non Sport thread and try to stay away from bodykits, bonnet bras, angel eyes, lexarse lights, massive exhausts and performance mods (like trying to polish a turd with a 1.2)

Subtle, low and cheap. Keep your money for a RS ;)

Haha, I'll be sure to keep them subtle and just try to make the car look a little better.. Don't fancy chaving up a 1.2, with it being just that :D
When you're doing some quotes it's well worth playing around and seeing what a difference some modifications make. The online quotation forms on Admiral etc are so easy to modify once you've put all your details in.
  Nothing yet!
When you're doing some quotes it's well worth playing around and seeing what a difference some modifications make. The online quotation forms on Admiral etc are so easy to modify once you've put all your details in.

I didn't know you could do that, I'll be sure to thanks mate.
  renault clio 1.2
Welcome it's nt all sports on ere there's a few non sports there's a thread on Clio media for non sports might be worth having a look for ideas bt little things like Sprayd badges and interior parts 2 customise are reasonably cheap to do
