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A quick drive to cure the boredom

  Orange 182
God I've been so bored today, anyone else?

The highlight of my day was a blast around some back roads (thanks to Maz for the inspiration :approve:). I'd highly recommend it and here are some fotos:







Hmm might go for another :D
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine
I wanted to do the same but my favourite road was covered in snow.:dapprove:
  Golf GTI 1.8T
great pics!!! that got rid of the ice lolly look. I went out for a bit last night because of bordem, got crap pics and but a new avatar.


ClioSport Club Member
lovely mate.

give us a shout next time eh?

most of the Warrington lot have too much time on our hands.
  Orange 182
Cheers guys.

Yeah chris, will have to give you Warrington ppl a shout next time I'm going out for a blast. Nothing like a good drive to sort out the post chrimbo boredom eh?




You'll have to head across to wigan.... plenty doggin sites there.:D

(so people tell me.....;) lol)
  Orange 182
Yeah certainly wasn't going as fast as usual, but quite a few of the back roads were quite icy. Altho I think I might still be in granny mode after totalling my other motor a few weeks ago :dapprove: The car is actually dirtier than it looks, thats why there are no close up photos lol.

ad, did u find the inferno to be easy to keep clean? I thought it would be a nightmare because its a bright colour, but it doesn't show the dirt too badly at all! :D
  Megane Mk4

That looks like my wifes style of parking ..... :D

Still ... nice motor All the same, glad your looking after this one! ;)
