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Accident: What details do you give?

  Clio 197
Right, I'm having some cards made up (business card size).

I'd like to put my insurance details on them, to save the bother of writing them down for someone every time they smash into me.

What's the minimum information one has to legally provide?

  Trophy #267
nope tw@t who hit me gave name car is registered to (mr Smith - was a company car) and a contact no. (work). I also took car make model + plate. Was suspect as anything so I took em to police station and he did a check and confirmed the name and said it was a legal minimum he gave me :(
Privilege used to give you a card with all the details.

This appears to of stopped now :(

Not ever having an accident I wouldn't know what to give so hopefully this thread can educate all of us a little :)


ClioSport Moderator
Never ever give out address's EVER. Also never admit liability!

I wouldnt make these cards out as it seems a bit suspisious when someone hands you a card with all their details on it.
  "Navy" N17 TWO
I have a photocopy of all my documents (tax/insurance/mot/license) that I keep in my little Clio Wallet - just incase of either an accident or a cop on a dodgy-doughnut day


ClioSport Moderator
I have a photocopy of all my documents (tax/insurance/mot/license) that I keep in my little Clio Wallet - just incase of either an accident or a cop on a dodgy-doughnut day

You do know if someone stole that car, then they have all the documents they need to sell the car off!

Also they could steal your identity.
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Aware of that thanks for the heads-up

Its a scanned copy of the lot on a single peice of paper.
Last time I was pulled over for a quick "license" check the guy asked me for the document part of my license - first time in 4 years I've ever been asked for it - by anyone!

Would save any hassle in the event of an accident, not that I plan to have any


ClioSport Moderator
Aware of that thanks for the heads-up

Its a scanned copy of the lot on a single peice of paper.
Last time I was pulled over for a quick "license" check the guy asked me for the document part of my license - first time in 4 years I've ever been asked for it - by anyone!

Would save any hassle in the event of an accident, not that I plan to have any

It may save time, but im damn sure that i wouldnt keep any of my documents in the car, the only thing i keep is my licence and thats in my wallet. The Document part i wouldnt keep due to identity theft. If the police do stop me then you LEGALLY have a few days to provide all your details.

Just beware that if you do keep documents in your car then if its stole, they have your address, name etc. Its easy to get a credit card and ruin your life with these details. An insurance document is the same.
  Mondeo STTDCI
Advice in the event of a road accident

What should you do if you are involved in a road collision?
You must STOP at the scene
  • If someone is injured, telephone for an ambulance and the police, giving an accurate location.
  • If no one is injured but the road is blocked, or you need assistance, telephone the police.
  • Obtain the name and address of any witnesses to the collision. This will assist you later.
  • You must give your own and the vehicle owner’s name and address. You must also provide your insurance details. Be prepared to provide this information to anyone who has reasonable grounds for asking.
  1998 Clio 1.2 8v
when i had a knock gave him my name... soon had a letter through from his insurers :) weird how the contacted me soo urgent when in the end they payed for my damage :S
