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Admiral Insurance AGAIN


ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
Totally lost the plot with them today after getting some letters through the post.

On 1/11/12 i called them to inform them about getting a CU80 that day to keep my insurance all up to date and correct.
The sales advisor said that i had done the correct thing and that she would update my details and that there would be NO extra cost untill i renew my insurance. . . . . .Well get home today today to find a letter in the post saying they are now going to charge me an extra £80.41 over my next payment.

Now my insurance runs out in the 16th of dec so i only have "one" more payment of £80.41 but as they are charging me again im now having to double that and pay £160.82.

When i called and spoke to an advisor tonight he had said that i have got it wrong and its my fault and that he does not make mistakes and admiral don't make any mistakes either and that i don't have to pay an extra £80.41 (even tho i have it in a letter & in black and white)

I asked him why i have got a letter telling me i do and even gave him the REF No on the top of the letter but he said that i have it all wrong and that i have made a mistake.

I now have no idea if they will take double or not as the letter says they will but he says that admiral won't.

I really cant wait to get out of the policy and go with neil@greenlight


ClioSport Club Member
So the letter actually says your next direct debit amount will be £160.82?

Or does it just state you're being debited £80.41, and you think this is in addition to any direct debit already planned?


ClioSport Admin
ring the guy back. get him to email you conformation that you wont be charged extra while youre on the phone with him. then if they do debit you double; tell them to f**k right off


ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
So the letter actually says your next direct debit amount will be £160.82?

Or does it just state you're being debited £80.41, and you think this is in addition to any direct debit already planned?

It says that i will be paying an additional fee of £80.41 spread over my remanding payments.
I only have one payment left which will be the 2/12/12

People still use phones whilst driving these days?

Funny thing was i had hung up but as i still had it in my hand they done me for it and as it was the traffic i was not going to fight as if they did check my phone they will have seen that i was on it all be it a few mins after they done me for it
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Probably is an additional payment on top. They stung me for a pc30, can't wait until the policy is up and go with a specialist! I would of left but i was halfway and could do with the extra ncb.


ClioSport Club Member
When I got my CU80 a few years ago the insurance said they didn't need to know until renewal time. Have the rules changed regarding this?


ClioSport Club Member
Write them a letter to complain, noting the date and time of the original call where the advisor said they wouldn't charge you.

They will review the call tapes.


ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
I got a phone call from neil at greenlight today and he spoke to me and gave me some good advice so come monday im calling admiral to get things sorted.
  Ford Mustang 5.0
Pretty sure it's not allowed to affect you until next renewal anyway?

We do the same here, unless the conviction involves a Ban or is one that is outright excluded by our underwriters (ie Death by Dangerous Driving) its just gets added mid and then the price gets recalculated at renewal time.

Usually if its just 3 point fixed penalty offences like speeding then we can normally allow 2 lots (6 points in total) before it starts to effect the price....even then the price doesnt go up that much if you have 9 points.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I've had yet more issues with them aswell. For some reason decided to try & take money out of an account that is no longer active from an old policy, despite admitting they had the correct info against mine....

speechless tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm with Admiral, recently got an SP30.

I rang them and they said it would be an extra £17.50 on my premium (I pay in lump sum). It didn't sound too bad so I paid, and then received a call saying they didn't need to charge me and so got a refund.

Admiral are hopeless as a company, but they're still the cheapest for me by far.
Managed to avoid any problems with the Admiral group so far... Heck, I can't actually find a better quote than their renewal offer!
