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adt alarms / broadband/ phoneline

i know theirs a section for phones an broadband but im hopeing to catch someone who may work for bt or adt alarms or someone savy who maybe able to clear up or advise me ive had broadband on my phoneline a few years now an have always had an issue of if we get a phone call the broadband drops ive aways had an idea its down to our alarm system being hardwired into the phone ive done a bit off searching online an found a bit of infomation
about adt which seems to point to it needing someform of filter or it haveing one fitted is it possable our box has been missed due to no one being clued to fact we have broadband/ not haveing the boxed check or serviced for a good while

cs always seems like theirs expert on most things an i may catch someone in the know :D
  172 Cup
ah so my alarm company should be able to solve this if i request a callout does

"Should" they solve it and "will" they solve it are very different things.

You can ask them but my guess is they'll simply say it's not their responsibility and BT will most likely say the same.
They may even say that Red Care isn't compatable with Broadband, and you should keep the line for Red Care separate.
  172 Cup
They may even say that Red Care isn't compatable with Broadband, and you should keep the line for Red Care separate.

I don't think he's referring to redcare Daz. Just a basic callback feature that most alarms can now offer these days.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
They may even say that Red Care isn't compatable with Broadband, and you should keep the line for Red Care separate.

Took me about 20 f**king conversations with the BT/redcare muppets before I eventually managed to get it "removed" from one of our lines, despite the fact that it hadn't actually been active for 5 years.

This was porting a number to VoIP though.

Fcuk I hate BT.
it still an issue that adt shouldnt have wired it behind the socket hmm the alarm is from adt an not bt they comeing out to routinely check the alarm next week im trying to get my old man to ask some questions but hes not really interested :(
we see based on this im right but we see i expect we get fobed off

next step will be getting the phoneline checked
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update adt have been out today an put a filter in the box checked the socket an my broadband now works while hes on the phone an best of my broadband is near on 7mb :D from a dissmal 5mb
