First of all, ow do, first post here but Ive been lurking a bit
Im currently driving my mums 1.2 Clio but Im wanting to get my own Mk2 Clio soon, Ive got about £6k in the bank at the moment and will hopefully be starting a job at the Halifax sometime soon. Im 20, but I dont have any years NCB yet so I dunno what that will be like for insurance.
Ive been looking at 1.4 16V and 1.6 16V, theres not much difference in price really there, does anyone know what insurance group theyd be in, Ive heard the 1.4 16V is about 5. What Im really looking for is a car I can gradually mod and make look good, and more importantly make sound good, something like my mates Corsa Sport which was one of the loudest cars at a local Cruise.
What Id like help with mainly is choosing what to go with, Id get a 172 if I could afford but I cant, so it makes it a little harder now I dont want somat that sounds like a hairdryer but costs tupence to insure, but then again I dont want somat where ill have to work 60 hours a week just to pay for
Im completely stuck really so any help from you guys and girls would be much appreciated