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Air Con brought my Engine Management light on

  850 T5. mmmm Turbo!
im tryng to sell my car, i put the air con on to make sure its still working, the engine management light comes on.

i wont clear with the 5 turns of the key job or taking the battery off.

any ideas.
  BMW M135i
If its registered a fault that you can see with the dash in diagnostic mode then you can clear it with the trip reset button can't you ?
  BMW M135i
If you put the dash into diagnostic mode, by holding the trip computer button and turning the ignition on, you can page through the trip comp menus and it shows what faults have been registered on a basic level.
I'm sure I read somewhere that if you press the trip reset button then it clears the fault until something causes it to recoccur.

Found it :

Gotta be worth a try.
