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air feed ?

  Clio 172 Phase 2
hi just got a standard air box on clio 172ff.2003

a mate said they have a acoustic retrictor or sumink like that,

what is it? and shall i take it out? and where is it?

Sorry for all questions. dont no these cars yet lol

and is it worth getting a induction kit? any recomends. cheers Carl


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
The acoustic valve is behind the passenger wheel arch.

Taken from another thread.

* Remove (entirely) the air box, disconnecting both air feeds (one to the right and one directly under).
Air box is held in place by two screws and jublie clips

* Jack the car up under front left, ensure you use a axle stand or similar

* Remove wheel, place neatly elsewhere

* Remove the underside arch-liner, fastened by a few torque screws and some fat looking plastic plugs
(these just pull out with a tug)

* Watch for the small ribbed cable (battery acid overflow pipe) as its connected to the arch liner. Let this dangle somewhere.

* You will now have exposed the underside of your front bumper, note the bracket holding both your horn and the

* Try to unclip as many of the wiring looms to both the horn and the
valve, let these looms dangle somewhere

* Undo the bolt holding the bracket in place

* Tuck the horn assembly somewhere out of the way

* Remove the small air feed, no 1, simply turn it to unclip

* Remove accoustic
valve by pulling it downwards and out of the wheel arch, if you meet resistance check looms are disconnected and path is clear

* You should be left with a large gap / hole

* Accoustic
valve will be connected to a thin black tube, remove as much of the connecting bits, leaving just the tube.
This must be blocked off (or you will idle above 1000rpm) with a screw / bung similar
Tape the screw in place

* Remount the horn, reconnect horn wiring loom to horn, screw bracket back into place

* Tape up all looms and cover ends with tape

* Tape blocked pipe somewhere

* Once the
valve is removed make any modifications you wish, i.e place your airfeeds etc

* Reconnect the battery overflow pipe to the grilled bottom of the arch liner

* Replace arch liner, fix with plugs and screws

* Put wheel back on, ensure wheel is flush to brake when placing nuts or you will mark your wheels

* Lower car

* Connect new air feeds to air box, replace air box, ensure jubile clips are tight

* Job done, admire your work.
  Clio 172 Phase 2
ok i dont really no how to use forums, il try search next time i have a problem.

Cheers guys, il give that ago
