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Alarm Playing up

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk1
can any 1 help? when i click the fob to lock my x reg 2000 clio 172, the car locks but a high pitch tone occurs, it lasts for about a minute, if i lock the car with one of the doors or the boot open it doesnt make this noise. any ideas? also sometimes the alarm goes off and it doesnt switch off when i click the fob, even thought the doors unlock. its driving me mad!!!
  Civic Type-R
Ive had the same problem on mine :) disconnect the battery for half an hour, seemed to do the trick with mine. You will have to reset your clock and the headunit though but 5min job. Has done it once since I disconnected the battery. I make sure now once I press the keyfob to unlock the car I give it a second before I pull on the door handle. Hope this helps :)
  172 Mk2 Ph1
Similar problem, i had a couple of times this summer, i tend to unlock the car from the key fob, then give it a second before i open the door then pray, no problems so far, maybe the delay means we are triggering the alarm before it has had a chance to turn off, what worries me is that surely you should be able to turn it off with the key, but i couldn;t then randomly it just turned itself off made a bleeping noise and that was that!! strange.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
my x reg one done it to about 4 times. seems to not like it if i lock then immediately unlock and get in car. seems to need a second to sort its head out if i do that!
feel like a prize helmet drivin off with it goin, but when i drive it does stop after couple of mins. cant be arsed gettin it sorted its not a big prob.
  172 Mk2 Ph1
Thats wierd mines an x reg to, and it was also when i was locking and unlocking it, never happened on a normal journey, maybe it needs the 60 seconds from when locked to figure it out... I shall experiment...


ClioSport Club Member
yea if u lock it then unlock it it will beep mine does it just lock and unlock again and it wont go off or beep


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
experiment somewhere out of close proximity to the public tho. its almost as embarassing as walkin into work with one ur birds pubes stickin out ur 2 front teeth.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I just caused this fault on my Sons 172. I was working on the aircon and when going throught the fuse box I found a 30A fuse in position 37. According to the chart this is for the sunroof. As his car does not have a sunroof I pulled the fuse and put it in a spare holder. Next time he got in the car the alarm was playing up as described.
I put the fuse back in the holder, hey presto back to normal (well as normal as anything to do with Cobra alarms can be) These Cobra alarms were fitted at the importers, not at the factory and the qualitity of the fitting is abysmal. IMHO. I think the next move is to strip it out and fit a decent Clifford unit which operates the locking, not a simple sounder device and ultrasonics operated BY the OEM locking module, which is all the Cobra is.
I hate ultrasonic detectors, glass break detector and microwave every time. Reliable and not prone to false alarm provided they are installed correctly and adjusted properly.
