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Alloys Help

Can someone please tell me if alloys off a peugeot 306 will fit on my car please. Do they have the same offset or is it completely different?

Cheers Phil
  Abarth 595 Trufeo


Now before I start I am no expert and could be wrong.

But when I changed the wheels on my clio, my other half wanted my old alloys for his Peugeot - so we asked the guy down at our local alloy wheel centre and he said NO.

Renault Clio offset = 35-38 Peugeot offset = 15-22.

He could be just saying they dont fit so that we go and buy some alloys from him for the Peugeot. Or it could be that mine are not compatible with his 106.

Can anyone else help?!!


  Shiny red R32

Apparently Renault and Peugeot have a different stud pattern and the distance between the studs are different (or something like that).
  clio williams, Ph1 172

stud patterns will be the same. Only offset is likely to be different. They will probably fit but might stick out too much or maybe be in too much. Best thing to do is try em on.

Cheers for that, i was guna bid for some on e-bay but will look else where.

Cheers everyone, could have just saved me a few hundred quid.
  Lionel Richie

PCD (distance betwween the holes) is different, Pug is the same as Ford 4x98 (i think) and Reno is 4x100 so Pug wheels defo wont fit
