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alpha car audio???

has any1 had any problems with this store??

they stock jl audio but on bbg website they are not an authorised dealer, but the prices are good, what should i do??

are they a decent store??

thanks alot for the help
  Polo + Micra
lol i've seen that site before

didn't like it as it is trying to rip off the CAD design
  Polo + Micra
i wouldn't buy from them just of the rip off design tbh.

if they didn't do that i'd probably give them a go
u takin the piss, just cus they copied the CAD website design, u wudnt buy from them???

lol, ur mad if thats tru, lol

i can get the amp i want for half the price, but without warrenty, would this matter you think??
  Polo + Micra
yeah exactly true

i prefer people to be different new and exciting rather than basiclly lazy and trying to be something their not
  Polo + Micra
could be an import so you would be screwed if it f**ked up

but then it is jl so should be built well:D
so, if the website was original & exciting, lol, would you buy from there, eventhough it has no warrenty??

has u ever needed to use the warrenty on ur JL??
it only realy seems to be that product that is alot cheaper than normal, all the rest seem to be about average price (same as authosirsed stores)
  Polo + Micra
yeah i just thought that aswell.

nah mine is fine had it 50% covered under a box running at about 120% and has never missed a beat
kk, ill give them a ring 2moz n question them about it, see what they are playing at & wether they know anything about JL

cheers for the help dink - i think every post i post, u are always there to answer the questions - thanks alot:D:D
