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  172 ph1
.hello dudes

ive just decided because of the insurance quotes ive found that been after a 106 gti for so long i can insure a 172 for 100 quid more so....

thought id join up and get to know the ins and outs of the car and get some tips if needed for when io get one...

i test drove a 182 today but didnt find it as fast as what people have made it out to be alothough i didnt thrash it i gave it abit of stick i 3rd u a slip road but...seemed to lack abit...i just need to be sure that they are what there meant to be and if they are a reliable car etc etc...if any1 can shed any light on this please do and cheers for your time....

  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Welcome to CS.

Did you take the 182 past 5k revs? That's when the 172/182s comes alive.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
182 and 172 are same really. 182 has more mid range torque while the 172 has less but is better top end. Nothing in it :) As said they need thrashing to come alive
